Each morning, we run a Wide Awake club every morning. The doors open at 8am and children can be dropped off anytime after this for the cost of £2.50 per day. It offers a calm and relaxed start to the school day where the children can enjoy a variety of activities including arts and crafts, board games and puzzles, construction toys, books or using outdoor play equipment. Spaces for our Wide Awake Club should be booked via the school office.
Pacesetter Sports work closely with the school both within PE lessons and with before and after school clubs. They deliver the following clubs in our school:
Wednesday After School
- Gymnastics
- Thursday Morning
- Yoga
- Thursday After School
- Dodgeball
- Friday Before School
- Mega Mindsetters
To book your child in one of these clubs, please visit the Pacesetters' Website
Hotshots Basketball runs on a Thursday lunchtime. Letters will be sent home to pupils already enrolled on the first session. If your child would like to join, please see Mrs Mecklenburgh.