We have six main Christian Values which we teach and promote throughout the school. Each value is linked to a Bible story. These are taught through our worship and enhanced in everything which we do.
Luke Chapter 10 Verses 25-37
Compassion is about ‘standing in someone else’s shoes’ when they are having a hard time. In other words, trying to understand how they might be feeling and doing our best to try to help.
Luke Chapter 19 Verses 1-10
Everyone makes mistakes, it’s part of being human. Sometimes our mistakes hurt others and then we need to say sorry. Sometimes mistakes made by other people hurt us. When this happens we need to be able to forgive.
Luke Chapter 5 Verses 17-39
The special relationship we have with certain people; a friend loves and cares for you at all times. Christians believe that God’s friendship towards us will last forever.
Genesis Chapters 6-8
Hope is about much more than just wishing as hard as we can that things will be different. It is about believing that the world can be better and being prepared to do something!
Serving Others
John Chapter 13 Verses 1-17
We should serve those in need whoever they are. Such service is not offered to gain some advantage for ourselves. ‘Going the extra mile’ involves sacrifice, putting ourselves out for someone else’s benefit.
Luke Chapter 17 Verses 11-19
We should be thankful and not take things for granted. We should give praise to God for providing all that sustains our life today - the things around are a gift from God not a right.